Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sleep in? Ha!

Saturday night. My DH says "you can sleep in tomorrow, honey." That is one of my favorite sentences to hear-it ranks up there with "Here is $100. Go buy yourself something nice-nothing for the kids." So here for your entertainment is a timeline of the sleeping in experience. I wonder if it is only like this at my house...

6:32 a.m. The baby wakes up. DH takes her downstairs, leaving our door closed and the curtains closed. The electric blanket is on, got the bed all to myself...zzzzz...

6:41 a.m. 6-year-old DD enters. "Where's Ella? Where's Daddy?" "They are downstairs, I am sleeping in. Daddy might make you pancakes." That is enough info to get her out of the room.

6:48 a.m. 3-year-old DD enters with enough commotion to make me wonder if I should call the NFL or maybe sign her up for kick-boxing. Oh, and the cat comes in with her. I manage to eject her to find daddy, baby sis and pancakes, but the cat can stay.

7:04 a.m. Cat pounces on and bites my toe. Cat is undelicately ejected from the room. Sleeping in is not going so well...

7:18 a.m. Huge THUD shakes the whole house. I still don't know what it was, but since there were no wails or sirens afterward, I didn't go investigate.

I almost gave up, but here is the happy ending to the story. That was the last interruption, and after that I slept-until 9:30 a.m.!

This is the first time I've contributed to a blog. I know Patty and I are going to have tons of fun posting from the trenches, and I hope that it's just as much fun to read it. :)

1 comment:

Kh. Patty said...

Thank you, April: that story is exactly like what would happen in my house with the addition of two children!